Today is a very special day for all US citizens who gather together in ceremony and remembrance of all the US soldiers who have gone before us. As a proud Army wife and US citizen, I look forward to participating in today’s activities in Honolulu. Come join us at Lantern Floating Hawaii!
Each Memorial Day in Honolulu, thousands of paper lanterns float into the bay at Magic Island, carrying with them the remembrances, hopes and dreams of those honoring lost loved ones. The ceremony, hosted by the Shinnyo-en Buddhist order, begins at 6:10pm with a taiko performance, followed by a Hawaiian oli (chant) and hula, music and the lighting by community leaders of the Light of Harmony at 6:30pm this evening. Lanterns are distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Come down early and don’t forget one important stop: National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Located inside the Punchbowl Crater, come pay your respects to the fallen service men and women buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, commonly called Punchbowl Cemetery. Each Memorial Day, Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops of Oahu visit the Punchbowl crater and lay an estimated 38,000 fresh flower lei on the graves. A memorial ceremony, which will include speeches, presentation of wreath, a cannon salute, a U.S. Air Force and Hawaii Air National Guard flyover, playing of taps and performances by the Royal Hawaiian Bands.